Networked AI bootcamp: from Python to graph neural networks
This tutorial aims to help you get ready to work with graph neural networks from zero. You can always ask Google and ChatGPT for help. For example,
- “Hey ChatGPT, explain the following code to me …“
- “Explain binary search with Python code”
- “I am trying to set up Docker on Windows/Linux/MacOS but got this error”
- “Recommend some free courses or tutorials for learning Python library NetworkX”
- “I want to find XXX from professional and trustworthy sources, but I don’t want mix with YYY, what query words I should use on Google/DuckDuckGo/Bing?”
This post will be updated regularly based on feedback.
📌 Module 1: Python & Basics (Weeks 1-2)
- Set up development environment
- Set up GitHub repository and submit all mini-projects
- Master programming fundamentals (loops, conditionals, recursion, sorting)
- Gain proficiency in NumPy for array/matrix operations and Pandas for tabular data manipulation
- Use Matplotlib to visualize real-world datasets
Short Course (~1 Week, Self-paced)
- An interactive tutorial that covers Python fundamentals, including data types, control structures, functions, and modules.
- Python for Beginners – Full Course 4-hour video tutorial with practical examples.
1️⃣ Python Fundamentals & Git Setup
- Install Python and virtualenv
- PyCharm CE (or VSCode) & Jupyter Notebook setup
- Install libraries
python3 -m pip numpy pandas matplotlib
, learn how to userequirements.txt
- Git Basics: Creating a repo, committing code, branching, pull requests
- Control Flow: Loops (
, recursion
✅ Exercise 1.1: GitHub Repo & Environment Setup
- Create a GitHub repository and submit future projects here
- Write a script to print system information (OS, Python version, libraries installed)
2️⃣ Implementing Classical Algorithms
- Binary Search: Recursive & iterative versions
- Sorting Algorithms: Implement Merge Sort and Quick Sort
- Compare Time Complexity: Measure performance using
✅ Exercise 1.2: Algorithm Implementation & Performance Comparison
- Implement Binary Search (recursive & iterative)
- Implement Merge Sort & Quick Sort
- Measure execution time for sorted vs. unsorted lists of different sizes
- Push project to GitHub
3️⃣ NumPy: Array & Matrix Operations Tutorial
- Basic Operations: Creating, reshaping, slicing arrays
- Matrix Operations: Broadcasting, dot product, matrix multiplication
- Performance Comparison: Vectorized NumPy vs. loops
✅ Exercise 1.3: Numerical Computation & Performance Analysis
- Create two large matrices (random data) and perform:
- Element-wise addition, multiplication, dot product
- Matrix inversion, determinant calculation
- Compare vectorized NumPy operations vs. naive loops (measure execution time)
- Push project to GitHub
4️⃣ Pandas & Matplotlib for Data Exploration Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2
- Pandas Basics: DataFrames, indexing, filtering,
- Matplotlib Basics: Histograms, line plots, scatter plots, heatmaps
- Download & explore real-world datasets (e.g., from Kaggle or UCI)
✅ Exercise 1.4: Data Analysis & Visualization
- Download a dataset (e.g., population statistics, weather data)
- Use Pandas to clean & analyze the data
- Generate histograms, line plots, scatter plots, heatmaps
- Push project to GitHub
📌 Module 2: PyTorch & TensorFlow (Weeks 3-4)
- Understand deep learning fundamentals
- Install and set up PyTorch and TensorFlow
- Install Docker and run TensorFlow & PyTorch images with Jupyter Notebook
- Learn both PyTorch and TensorFlow through tutorials
- Implement basic ML tasks (MNIST classification, t-SNE visualization, RL agents)
Short Course (~1 Week, Self-paced)
- Deep Learning Basics: Deep Learning Specialization –, YouTube Playlist
- PyTorch & TensorFlow Basics: Tensors, computation graphs
- Recommended Resources:
-’s Deep Learning for Coders (first few chapters)
- TensorFlow & PyTorch official tutorials Learning PyTorch with Examples, PyTorch for Deep Learning & Machine Learning – Full Course
✅ Deliverable: Complete one tutorial per framework (PyTorch & TensorFlow)
Hands-on Projects
1️⃣ Installation & Setup
- Install PyTorch & TensorFlow (follow official setup guides)
- Check CUDA availability for GPU acceleration
Install Docker and pull official images for TensorFlow & PyTorch ✅ Exercise 2.1: Docker Setup for AI Frameworks
- Install Docker
- Pull TensorFlow 2 Docker image with Jupyter Notebook
- Pull PyTorch Docker image (if available) with Jupyter Notebook
- Run Jupyter Notebook inside Docker and test with a simple tensor operation
2️⃣ Neural Network Basics
- Train a basic NN on MNIST
- Compare PyTorch vs. TensorFlow implementations
✅ Exercise 2.2: MNIST Classification (PyTorch & TensorFlow)
- Train & evaluate a 2-layer NN
- Compare accuracy & training time
- Modify hyperparameters: change the number of layers, hidden layer dimensions, learning rate
3️⃣ Visualizing Embeddings
- Apply t-SNE to MNIST embeddings
✅ Exercise 2.3: t-SNE Visualization
- Train a model and visualize hidden layer embeddings
4️⃣ Reinforcement Learning
- Train RL agents for CartPole & Lunar Lander
✅ Exercise 2.4: RL for Gym Environments
- Train an RL agent for CartPole
- Modify hyperparameters & observe performance changes
📌 Module 3: Graphs & NetworkX (Weeks 5-6)
- Learn graph theory concepts and representation in Python
- Implement basic graph algorithms (BFS, DFS, shortest path)
- Explore community detection using real-world graph datasets
- Understand graph visualization using NetworkX
1️⃣ Graph Representation
- Graph Basics: Nodes, edges, adjacency lists, adjacency matrices
- NetworkX Fundamentals: Creating, modifying, and analyzing graphs
- Graph Operations: Node degree, centrality, connectivity
✅ Exercise 3.1: Representing & Visualizing Graphs
- Create a synthetic graph using NetworkX
- Assign random edge weights (like travel time)
- Visualize graphs using different layouts
2️⃣ Search & Path-Finding Algorithms
- Breadth-First Search (BFS) & Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Find shortest paths
- A* Algorithm: Path-finding with heuristics
✅ Exercise 3.2: Graph Search Algorithms
- Implement BFS & DFS to explore a random graph
- Implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find shortest paths
- Compare Dijkstra vs. A* performance
3️⃣ Community Detection & Karate Club Graph
- What is Community Detection? Finding groups in networks
- Graph Clustering Methods: Modularity-based detection
- Karate Club Graph: A classic social network dataset
✅ Exercise 3.3: Community Detection in the Karate Club Graph
- Load the Zachary’s karate club graph from NetworkX
- Apply Louvain or Girvan-Newman community detection
- Visualize detected communities with different colors
4️⃣ Graph Visualization & Animation
- NetworkX with Matplotlib: Visualizing graphs
- Animating path traversal: Using Matplotlib’s animation tools
✅ Exercise 3.4: Animated Path Traversal
- Visualize how BFS/DFS explores a graph
- Animate the shortest path found by Dijkstra
📌 Module 4: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) (Weeks 7-8)
- Learn how GNNs work and why they are powerful for structured data
- Implement basic GNN models using PyTorch Geometric (PyG) or Deep Graph Library (DGL)
- Train a GNN for node classification and link prediction
1️⃣ Introduction to GNNs
- Why GNNs? Limitations of traditional ML for graphs
- Message Passing in GNNs
- Common GNN Architectures: Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), Graph Attention Networks (GATs)
✅ Exercise 4.1: Implement a Simple GNN
- Train a basic GNN for node classification on a synthetic graph
- Compare GNN vs. traditional ML models
2️⃣ Hands-on with PyG / DGL
- Data Handling in GNNs: Graph datasets in PyG/DGL
- Building a GNN Model from scratch
- Training & Evaluating a GNN
✅ Exercise 4.2: GNN for Link Prediction
- Implement a GNN to predict missing edges in a graph
- Use GraphSAGE or GAT for link prediction
3️⃣ Advanced GNN Topics (Optional)
- Graph Transformers & GNN variants
- Real-world applications of GNNs
✅ Exercise 4.3: Experiment with Different GNN Models
- Modify a GCN model to use GAT or GraphSAGE
- Compare performance on node classification
📌 Module 5 (optional): Traffic Simulation with CityFlow (Weeks 9-10)
- Learn how to set up and run CityFlow simulations
- Understand how to integrate ML-based control in future work
1️⃣ Setting Up CityFlow
- Installation & Configuration
- Defining a Road Network
- Running a Basic Simulation
✅ Exercise 5.1: Run a Simple CityFlow Simulation
- Create a basic road network
- Run a simulation with fixed-time signals
2️⃣ Modifying Traffic Light Control
- Manually adjusting signal timing
- Simulating different traffic conditions
✅ Exercise 5.2: Compare Different Traffic Light Strategies
- Simulate fixed-cycle signals vs. simple adaptive control
- Measure average vehicle delay
3️⃣ CityFlow Visualization & Analysis
- Extracting simulation data
- Visualizing vehicle movements
✅ Exercise 5.3: Visualizing CityFlow Results
- Plot congestion heatmaps using Matplotlib
- Analyze travel times under different scenarios